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Heavy Rainfall and Flash Flood Watch in Southern Nevada

Heavy Rainfall and Flash Flood Watch in Southern Nevada

Las Vegas visitors and residents can expect rainfall today and tomorrow, and a flash flooding watch has been issued for much of Southern Nevada.

FloodThe National Weather Service issued a flash flood watch for all of Clark County and Lincoln County as well as part of Nye County from 11am Tuesday through Wednesday morning. With scattered thunderstorms and intense rainfall, we can expect to experience some relief with lower temperatures for the next few days, though these storms can also present an increased hazard for motorists and pedestrians alike.

Officials reminded drivers that it is never safe to drive through flood waters. Even when roads are not flooded, it is important to take extra caution when driving during or after rainfall. The danger is particularly high after the first rainfall, as the roads are more likely to be slick as oil and other substances are disturbed and rise to the surface of the freshly fallen rain.

Essential Tips for Safe Driving in the Rain

To improve your safety when driving during or after rainfall, you can take the following safety measures:

  • Check your windshield wipers and tires before you drive. Making sure that these and other parts of your car are in working order can help ensure you have no surprises once you are already out on the road, when slick tires or broken wipers could result in an accident.
  • Slow down. Remember, it takes longer to slow down and stop or maneuver when roads are wet and slippery. Drive more slowly than usual to give yourself more time to respond to any hazards that may arise.
  • Allow more distance between your vehicle and other cars, trucks and vehicles on the road. Increasing your following distance is important during and after rainfall, as it will take longer for you to slow down or stop.
  • Stay toward the middle lanes, where water is less likely to pool.
  • Use your headlights.
  • Never drive through moving water or standing water if you cannot easily see the ground and how deep it is. Your vehicle could be swept away by moving water, and deep water could get into your vehicle’s electrical system, causing severe damage and leaving you stranded.
  • Can you wait and drive once the weather clears up? If possible, you may find it prudent to avoid driving during extremely heavy rain. If it can wait, consider driving after the heaviest rains have passed and flash flood warnings have been lifted.


Flash Floods: Causes, Risks, and Preparations

Flash floods can occur within a few minutes or hours of excessive rainfall, without warning. This makes heeding flash flood watches and warnings of the utmost importance. Do not drive through flooded areas. Just six inches of water can reach the bottom of passenger cars, causing stalling.

One foot of water can float most vehicles, and two feet of rushing water can sweep away even SUVs and pick-up trucks. Avoid driving during flash flood warnings unless it is absolutely necessary, and if you are already on the road, try to get to higher ground until waters subside.

Injured in a rain or flood-related car accident? Call our firm.

If you would like additional information or are interested in discussing a particular accident, call a Las Vegas personal injury lawyer at Shook & Stone. We represent clients in Southern Nevada who have been injured in taxi accidents, car accidents, pedestrian accidents and all other types of motor vehicle accidents. If you were injured, you may be entitled to financial compensation for medical bills, lost earnings and other injuries or losses that were caused by another’s negligence or wrongdoing.

It starts with a confidential, free case review. Call our offices today to find out how we can help you.