Motorcycle accidents often result in much more severe injuries for riders compared to those driving enclosed motor vehicles. With that in mind, it is crucial for motorcyclists to understand and closely adhere to every traffic rule and regulation that applies to them. This is not just for their own sake but also to ensure the safety of those with whom they share the road.
While Las Vegas motorcycle traffic laws generally align with the equivalent laws in other states, there are a few unique aspects for Sin City riders worth pointing out. As always, our capable motorcycle accident lawyers at Shook & Stone could provide more information about how state law might apply to you and how the law might affect your ability to pursue civil restitution after a wreck.
As established under Nevada Revised Statutes § 486.331, any person driving a motorcycle or moped on a public road has the same rights as anyone behind the wheel of a commuter car or commercial vehicle. That means motorcyclists have a right to the full use of a traffic lane and are afforded the same amount of space within that lane as someone operating any other type of vehicle.
At the same time, motorcyclists in Las Vegas have all the same duties and obligations to traffic laws as other drivers, including the responsibility to obey traffic lights and signs, yield the right-of-way properly, and travel within posted speed limits. Perhaps most importantly, motorcyclists owe a broad “duty of care” to other vehicles on the road just as they owe a “duty of care” to motorcyclists. As the experienced attorneys at Shook & Stone could explain in more detail, this means that a motorcyclist could be held legally liable for an accident resulting from negligence, as well as the other way around.
In some states, motorcyclists can advance past stopped traffic by riding on the lines between traffic lanes, a practice known colloquially as “lane splitting.” However, in Las Vegas and throughout the state of Nevada, this practice is against the law for all motorcycle traffic. Instead, riders must fully move into an adjacent traffic lane when passing vehicles ahead of them.
In Las Vegas, motorcyclists have a unique privilege not extended to other types of drivers: the ability to ride side-by-side with another motorcyclist within a single lane of traffic. That said, both motorcyclists must consent to this “lane sharing” for it to be legal. In other words, a motorcyclist who rides alongside or passes another motorcyclist in the same lane without their agreement may be breaking the law.
For the most part, Las Vegas motorcycle traffic laws align with those for other types of motor vehicles, as do the laws governing civil claims over traffic accidents. Unfortunately, the process of seeking civil recovery after a motorcycle wreck can be very different in comparison to a crash between commuter cars, especially when you have suffered serious injuries as a result.
At Shook & Stone, our dedicated lawyers are here to provide guidance and assistance tailored to your specific circumstances. Call today to schedule a free consultation to discuss your legal options.