Electrocution can lead to significant injuries and even death. If the electrocution happened at work, you could claim workers’ compensation benefits and might have grounds to sue a third party for your injuries. If you were not working when you were electrocuted—but another party’s negligence caused the incident—you could bring a civil claim for damages.
Consulting a local construction accident attorney as soon as possible after any injury preserves your rights and helps you form realistic expectations about your future. Working with a Las Vegas electrocution injury lawyer at Shook & Stone can help you obtain the maximum compensation you are entitled to.
An electrocution happens when a person is exposed to an electrical current. Sometimes, the electricity only impacts the skin, but in the most severe cases, it passes through the body. The severity of the injuries largely depends on the strength of the current, the voltage, and the duration of the exposure.
High-voltage exposures often cause less damage because the duration of high-voltage exposure is usually shorter. A low-voltage exposure could cause muscle paralysis, preventing the person from letting go of the electrified object and prolonging exposure to the current.
Electrical injuries can cause burns to the skin. If exposure is prolonged, the burn might penetrate the skin and damage the underlying tissue and even the internal organs. Exposure to electricity also can interfere with the heartbeat and cause a heart attack. Severe electrical injuries can lead to:
Although most people survive electrocution, survivors can face permanent health consequences that diminish their earning power and erode their quality of life.
Electrical injuries are preventable in most cases. Direct exposure to electricity is almost always due to someone’s negligence, meaning their failure to take reasonable care.
Faulty wiring can cause an electrical fire, and downed power lines can lead to electrocution. A defective appliance, tool, or machine might electrocute a user. Water effectively conducts electricity, so puddles or spills near electrical equipment pose a risk of electrical injury.
A proactive Las Vegas electrocution injury attorney could investigate a specific incident to determine how it happened. If another party’s negligence contributed to the electrocution, the negligent party could be liable for the injured person’s damages.
Electrocution is a risk in many workplaces, but accidental exposure to electricity could happen anywhere. The legal remedies available differ depending on how the electrocution occurred.
If a legal professional can prove negligence led to an injury, the negligent party could be liable for the injured person’s damages. Damages could include medical expenses, lost wages, and compensation for the victim’s pain and suffering. Nevada Revised Statutes § 41.141 limits the damages of an injured person who bears partial responsibility for the incident, reducing their compensation award by a percentage equal to their degree of fault.
Nevada requires every employer to offer workers’ compensation insurance to its employees, and in return, employees cannot sue their employers for work-related injuries in most cases. Someone who suffered an electrical injury at work could claim benefits—including free healthcare and a partial wage—while their injury prevents them from returning full-time to their prior employment. If they can never resume their former employment or their injury results in permanent damage, worker’s compensation offers permanent disability payments.
An injured worker could sue a third party if their negligence caused the situation that led to the electrocution. A third-party lawsuit might be possible if the incident occurred because of defective equipment or the negligence of another party or an independent contractor. A diligent Las Vegas lawyer could review the circumstances of an electrocution and identify third parties who might be liable for a worker’s injury.
Electrical injuries can cause severe, permanent injuries. You deserve compensation when your injuries result from another party’s careless or reckless conduct.
A Las Vegas electrocution injury lawyer at Shook & Stone can use their legal knowledge and tactical skills to ensure you obtain the maximum compensation available. Reach out today to speak with an experienced attorney at our firm.