Typically, your employer will have a poster up that will list the name of the third party administrator or the insurance company that is handling your claim. If you cannot locate that, you can call us, and we will be...
Social Security is a government program that allows people who are unable to work for 1 year or more to receive benefits to support themselves. It requires workers to have paid into the system. In certain situations, they may be...
Because Social Security Disability is an area of administrative law, it is acceptable to have somebody that is not a licensed attorney represent you. Although there is a way for non-attorney representatives to be credentialed, you don't even have to...
An individual can file an application for disability benefits by going to any Social Security Administration office. They will give the application, and you can fill it out. If you fill out that application improperly, or you are not complete,...
What does it mean to be disabled under the Social Security guidelines? Disability can show its face in many different ways. It can be a physical problem and it can also be a psychological problem. There are people who are...