Helping People Injured at Work
Work injuries are different than normal injury claims. They are governed by a particular set of statutes and regulations. It is important that if a person is injured on the job, they contact an attorney quickly. There are ways you can lose your rights to medical treatment, to vocational rehabilitation, and to benefits as a result of a possible disability if you neglect to act quickly at the beginning of a claim. We have been doing workers’ compensation for over 15 years in Nevada and we know exactly what the law is, who the doctors are in the insurance companies’ pocket, and we know when an insurance company is using unfair tactics. When these types of things happens, it is critical people have skilled counsel. At Shook & Stone, we have lawyers here who only handle workers’ compensation claims. These attorneys are educated in the statutes that govern workers’ compensation claims. They understand how injured workers claims are evaluated, because a lot of injured workers end up with residual injuries and problems that result in what we call permanent partial disability awards. Those have to be evaluated appropriately. These attorneys that we have on staff know this area and are experts in the area.