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How to Choose the Best Workers’ Compensation Attorney for Your Case

How to Choose the Best Workers’ Compensation Attorney for Your Case

You have probably heard it said before that getting help from an experienced lawyer can make a world of difference in how effectively and efficiently you can pursue a workers’ compensation claim. With so many options to choose from, though, it can be difficult to figure out which attorney is the right one for your specific case, especially if this is your first time taking legal action.

To some extent, the question of whose help you should enlist—or whether you should enlist professional legal help at all—for a workers’ comp claim is a matter of personal preference, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach. With that said, here are some tips on how to choose the best workers’ compensation attorney for your case that our team at Shook & Stone recommends as experienced workers’ comp lawyers.

Look for Experience Specifically With Workers’ Comp Claims

You may understandably think this goes without saying, but success with workers’ comp claims very often comes down to how much experience the person pursuing the claim has dealing specifically with workers’ comp litigation. At Shook & Stone, our attorneys have years of knowledge and experience handling not just workers’ comp claims, but also other types of claims that often stem from the same incidents, including personal injury litigation and even Social Security claims.

Check Testimonials from Previous Clients

When choosing the best workers’ compensation lawyer for your case, it is always worth checking what other people who have worked with that lawyer in the past have to say about their case experience. While no attorney can guarantee an optimal result from every single claim, a long list of satisfied past clients can be a great indicator that a particular workers’ comp attorney would be able to help you get a favorable outcome from your claim.

Ask About Past Case Successes

In addition to the experiences individual clients have had with them, you should also look into—or even better, ask about in person during an initial consultation—an attorney’s past case results when trying to choose legal representation for a workers’ comp claim. A consistent track record of good case results means that an attorney is not only experienced with handling workers’ compensation cases, but also that they know how to navigate these cases efficiently and with an eye towards getting their clients paid what they deserve.

Learn About Fee Structures and Expectations

One last thing you should absolutely ask a workers’ comp attorney about before choosing them to help you with your case is how they will charge you for their services and at what point during the case process they will start seeking payment. For example, some lawyers work on contingency and do not get paid at all unless they first get a fair settlement for their clients, while others ask for payment upfront.

Shook & Stone Has the Best Workers’ Compensation Attorneys for Your Case

If you’re looking to choose the best workers’ compensation attorney for your case, our team at Shook & Stone is the total package: experienced, approachable, successful, and affordable. Call today to discuss your possible claim or to schedule a free confidential consultation.