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What happens if I am in a car accident? (Injured)

What happens if I am in a car accident? (Injured)

What happens if I am injured in a car accident?

We get calls all the time from people who have been injured in car accidents, and they have concerns about medical bills that are mounting. The collection notices are coming in the mail, and they will call us frantically wondering what they can do.

Here’s what we tell people: First of all, unless you are actually being sent to collections, they are just notices. If your health insurance can pay in the meantime in order to avoid collections, by all means let your health insurance pay those medical bills.

In the end, the person that hurt you, or the entity or property owner that hurt you, will be the ones who will pay all of your damages and get you back to where you were before the incident happened.

For questions about your personal injury case, contact Shook & Stone today.