What Not to Say to an Insurance Adjuster
After being involved in a motor vehicle accident, one of the first calls you will receive is from the at-fault party’s insurance company. The insurance adjuster will probably seem friendly and you might even think he or she is trying to help you, but you should never let your guard down with the adjuster or volunteer any information. Keep in mind that an insurance adjuster’s primary goal is to save money for the company he or she represents. Therefore, whatever can be done to reduce your eliminate your chances of obtaining compensation will be taken, so you need to be careful with what you say. The wrong statement or phrasing of words can greatly compromise your ability to achieve the results you need.
Below is a list of some things you should never say while speaking to the insurance adjuster:
- Statements regarding your opinion: This is not the time to guess at answers or make any speculations. If you plan on answering any questions, make sure you answer them with certainty and, if you are unsure, simply decline to say anything. The last thing you want to do is say something that is not accurate and have it come back to haunt you. State the facts and avoid providing your opinion when speaking with the insurance adjuster.
- Statements that include apologies: An apology is essentially an admission of guilt. While it might seem like a nice, kind gesture, if you were to make a statement like this to an insurance adjuster, it would most assuredly be used against you to harm your claim and, ultimately, your chances of obtaining the compensation you rightfully deserve. Even if you feel like the accident might have been your fault, it is best to let everyone do their jobs first and conduct a thorough investigation before you start taking responsibility for something that might not even be your fault.
- Statements about your injuries: It is not uncommon for people to feel physically fine after being involved in an accident, given the shock of the event itself and the high levels of adrenaline that tend to prevent individuals from feeling the effects of an injury. However, this does not mean you are not hurt. In fact, you might not feel the symptoms of your injury until days later, so making a statement regarding whether or not you were injured is a big mistake. Do not discuss your medical treatment or injuries until it is time for you and your attorney to draft a demand letter.
- Recorded statements: When you speak to the insurance adjuster, he or she might ask that you provide a recorded statement. It might even sound like you are obligated to provide one. However, this is far from the truth. Under no circumstances are you required to give a recorded statement to the insurance adjuster and, in fact, it is wise to politely decline this request.
To ensure you do not make any unnecessary mistakes when speaking with an insurance adjuster, hire a personal injury attorney as soon as possible for the legal advice you need to effectively navigate this stressful situation.
Personal Injury Attorney in Las Vegas
If you were injured in a motor vehicle accident that was caused by the negligent actions of another party, it is crucial that you retain the assistance of a knowledgeable legal advocate. At Shook & Stone in Las Vegas, our personal injury attorneys are backed by over 85 years of combined legal experience and a proven track record of success. For the best chances of obtaining the compensation you need during this difficult time, reach out to our law firm.